Environmental Protection and Control Program
       The importance of environmental pollution and control, which is one of the biggest problems in terms of human health and environmental balance, is increasing day by day in our country and in the world. The environmental threat, also called global warming, has brought with it the need to focus on this issue. It is considered as the main environmental problems, global climate change, increasing the rate of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, ozone depletion, deforestation, pollution of seas and inland waters, waste materials (garbage, industrial wastes, toxic wastes), soil pollution, degradation of forest ecosystem and health. destruction of wetland ecosystems and reduction of biodiversity.
The aim of the environmental protection and control program is to train intermediate staff to work, which is aware of the environmental problems listed above, especially in the establishment and operation of the facilities necessary for the disposal of wastes causing air, water and soil pollution without damaging the environment.
The Environmental Protection and Control Program was launched in 2011.